What should I do when someone I know has Cholera?

What should I do when someone I know has Cholera?

What should I do when someone I know has Cholera?

What should I do when someone I know has Cholera?

Cholera can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. However, with the right medical care, most people can recover fully.
Here is a guide on how to treat cholera effectively:

Cholera can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. However, with the right medical care, most people can recover fully.
Here is a guide on how to treat cholera effectively:

Rehydrate Immediately

Rehydrate Immediately

Rehydrate Immediately

Rehydrate Immediately

Rapid fluid loss through diarrhoea can lead to severe dehydration, which can be fatal if not addressed quickly.

You can order a Cholera kit that contains ORS packets from a pharmacy near you, or visit any health centre nearby.

If ORS packets are unavailable, you can make a homemade solution by mixing 6 teaspoons of sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt in 1 litre of clean water.

Seek Medical Help

Seek Medical Help

Seek Medical Help

Take the person to the nearest healthcare facility as soon as possible for professional medical treatment. Prompt medical care can significantly improve outcomes.

Ensure Nutritional Support

Ensure Nutritional Support

Ensure Nutritional Support

Help the person maintain a balanced diet to recover lost nutrients and strengthen their immune system. Include easily digestible foods like rice, bananas, and bread. Avoid high-fibre foods and diary products until recovery.

Stay Vigilant

Stay Vigilant

Stay Vigilant

Stay Vigilant

Monitor the person’s hydration status closely, ensuring they continue to receive fluids and nutrition as needed. Look for signs of rehydration such as reduced thirst, less frequent urination, and improved overall condition.

Make sure to continue to maintain all preventive measures for yourself. Only the living can provide care.

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